The Values that Drive us as a Company and as Individuals
At American Dude Company, we are consistently committed to always do better. Better for our company, better for ourselves, better for our families, better for our community, better for our customers, and better for our country. With our products, we have taken the first step to fulfilling this commitment, through our customer service we intend to prove it to you. We have developed and abide by our Core Values; a set of standards that we all believe in and that will keep us on the path to excellence and always outdoing ourselves. We hope that your experience with us, even if only just a little bit, will enrich your life in some way.

Loyalty is the bond that makes all else possible. We are loyal to ourselves because we are defined by our actions. We are loyal to our teammates because we share common goals and challenges. We are loyal to our families because they depend on us to always do what is best for them. We are loyal to our country because it provides us the freedom to pursue our desires. We are loyal to our customers because without them we would not exist.

We are blessed to live in America, the greatest country on Earth - we will never take this for granted. We make our voices heard, not stand silent, when others from within or from without, knowingly or unknowingly, try to hurt our nation. We honor our veterans, our troops, and our first responders as they valiantly risk their lives for their fellow Americans and the freedoms for which they fought and fight for us to have. We are proud of our country. We are patriots.

We do not claim perfection, only that we strive for it. If an issue arises, we take responsibility, we own it, and we do what is needed to fix it. Integrity is at the core of everything we do… we do not pass the buck, we own our mistakes. American Dude Co. is the sum of the people who work here, it is the responsibility of every team member to always make it right.

Being an “Infinite Student” means that you are always seeking knowledge – where self-betterment begins. We are always trying to do better as individuals, which leads us to do better as a company. Our personal growth and progress result in the growth and progress of American Dude Co. We take initiative, we push ourselves, we work hard, we have fun, we constantly learn. Through knowledge we improve ourselves as individuals, through our self-improvement we improve our company.

We do things because they need to be done, not because we are told to do them. Being self-driven is integral to our individual success and to the success of our company. We take initiative, we anticipate the next move, and we execute on our own volition, and we make American Dude Co. great. We offer a helping hand but do not allow ourselves to accept a holding hand.

Sometimes doing the easy thing is not the best thing. Sometimes putting in the extra time or going the extra mile does not help the bottom line. Sometimes a computer is not as human as a person is. Sometimes being inefficient means you care. At American Dude Co., the experience that we provide our customers has a value that cannot always be quantified through efficient systems, and so, we will often do things inefficiently so that our customers know that we give a shit.

We respect ourselves, our teammates, our fellow Americans, our customers, and our families. We respect these core values and the belief that they will put ourselves and our company on the path to greatness. These core values are the foundation for which everything else is built upon.
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